Internet 2020
This is what people are predicting:
“The internet will be a thriving, low-cost network of billions of devices by 2020.”
“The internet will have gone beyond personal communications, by 2020.”
“The internet will open worldwide access to success.”
“The internet world in 2020 will be ‘Flat’. By 2020, the free flow of information will completely blur current national boundaries as they are replaced by city-states, corporation-based cultural groupings and/or other geographically diverse and reconfigured human organisations tied together by global networks.”
“Many more of today's 10 billion new embedded micros per year will be on the internet.”
“Mobile devices will be at the forefront of the net.”
“By 2020, most mobile networks will provide one-gigabit-per-second-minimum speed, anywhere, anytime.”
“Dominant access tools will be mobile, with powerful infrastructure characteristics. All applications will come from the net.”
“Real interoperability will be contingent on replacing our bias for competition with one for collaboration.”
“Greater transparency of people and institutions will prevail.”
“By 2020 an increasing number of people will be living and working within ‘virtual worlds’ being more productive online than offline.”
“Virtual Reality will be for Real.”
“Wikipedia will rule in 2020.”
“English would become the lingua franca of the internet by 2020.”
“In 2020, it may no longer be ‘screens’ with which we interact.”
“Networked nirvana will be the new mantra.”
“Before 2020, every new born child in industrialized countries will be implanted with an RFID or similar chip. Ostensibly providing important personal and medical data, these may also be used for tracking and surveillance.”
“While area codes might still define geographic locations in 2020, reality codes may define virtual locations. Multiple personalities will become commonplace, and cyberpsychiatry will proliferate.”
“Psychologists will be in demand in 2020 to cure the Net Addicts.”

Archive |
The Internet of Things: What It Is and Why You Should Care |
Mobile Site vs Dedicated Apps |
How The Internet Has Changed Our Lives |
2013 - ONLINE, IT IS |
Twitter Power |
Is Your Business Mobile? |
20 Ingredients For Building An Amazing Website |
My Favorite Sites |
Context is King (Commiseration to Content) |
Grow Your Business with QR Codes |
The Future Web |
Go Green With Cloud Computing |
How Many Languages Does It Take To Stay Competitive Online? |
2011 - Future Bytes |
Online Shopping for Holiday Season |
The Twitter Addiction |
iPad – The Killer APPliance |
e-retailing : The Competitive Advantage |
CONNECT to the world with Facebook |
Mind vs Media: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains |
‘Go Green’ at Work |
So You Think You Are Tech Savvy? |
TigerText: Cover Your Tracks |
The Awesome power of Google, Explained |
Twitter’s Business Model |
iPad - Between A Smartphone And A Laptop |
2010: Time to ‘Go Green’ |
2010: Go Green with Eco-Friendly Gadgets |
Mobile Marketing Is Here To Stay |
2010 – No cash, No problem! |
Brands that Tweet |
Web 2.0 to Web 3.0: The evolution of the Web |
Going Green Is Easy |
Search Engine Reputation Management |
The concept of ‘FOREVERISM’ |
Stay Connected with Twitter |
SELLSUMERS - If saving is the new spending, then selling is the new saving |
How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? |
Do You Tweet? |
So, you have designed your web site, WHAT NEXT? |
To Bing or to Google? That is the Question! |
E-Transparency: The Way The Web Is Going |
The Resurgence of ‘Tribal Marketing’ |
Go Green Now |
Network, Network, Network |
Which is more ‘Green’, paper or digital? |
No Clicks Required: A Glimpse Into The Future |
SEO for CEO |
Five Cost–Effective Tools for e–Marketing |
Why ‘Go Green’? |
The Case for Self Serve Display Advertising: Low cost – HIGH IMPACT |
In Times Of Recession, Go Online |
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