What Are the KPI’s Of Your Web Presence?
“It is important to know what works on the web and more important to know what does not”
Web analytics provides useful statistics to monitor the performance of your web site. More often than not, there is an overwhelming amount of information generated by such reports. It therefore becomes imperative to sift the wheat from the chaff!
Here are a few pointers:
Identify the Key Performance Indicators for your web presence. If you have an e-commerce enabled web site and are selling products or services online, you need to carefully monitor the following stats:
Conversion rate (ratio of purchasers to the total number of people who view sales or landing pages)
Average Time on Page for sales or landing pages. The longer the time on page, the more sales.
Bounce rate for sales or landing pages
Average order value
Revenue per visitor
Cart conversion rate
If your web site’s objective is to generate eyeballs for advertising campaigns, then you need to look at the following:
Page views per day
Page views per visit
Home page bailout or bounce rate
Traffic sources for generating unique page views
Most visited sections of site
Evaluation of meaningful data over time can lead to strategic e-marketing initiatives that help you meet your KPI objectives. A sound business plan with multiple revenue streams, benchmarked with industry best practices is a sure shot recipe for success. Need help? Contact the professional e-strategists at

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