SEO – A Myth or A Reality?
'SEO' is perhaps the most misunderstood and by far the most undervalued 3 letter acronym in the internet lexicon. For me it is THE mantra that drives profit from the web.
If these are some of the questions in your mind, you need professional help!
Does your site rank low, but you don't have a clue how to raise your search engine rankings?
Are you overwhelmed with data about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and still don't really understand where to go from here?
Have you invested in a decent looking web site and don’t get the right visitors?
Are you still confused about how to make money online?
Help is on way. A professional web company can lead you through a structured 'step-by-step' DIY approach or offer you these services for a fee. The choice is yours.
Step 1. Conduct Keyword Research (Hint: Overture helps)
Step 2. Determine Current Ranking (Hint: Use Google)
Step 3. Make Your Web pages ‘Search Engine Friendly’ (Hint: Hire a professional web master)
Step 4. Help Search Engines Index Each Page in Your Site (Hint: Submit site on an ongoing basis)
Step 5. Get Links to your Website (Hint: Use Advanced Search facility of Google)
Step 6. Optimize Key Web pages (Hint: Same as Step 3)
Step 7. Keep from Getting Banned by the Search Engines (Hint: Read Cat and Mouse story)
And finally,
Invest part of your profit on Google Adwords Program, cause this is the next best innovation since sliced bread.
How to optimize your site on Google Adwords Program is another story for another time!
For more information, contact:
Sharad Agarwal, CEO, Cyber Gear LLC.

Archive |
The Internet of Things: What It Is and Why You Should Care |
Mobile Site vs Dedicated Apps |
How The Internet Has Changed Our Lives |
2013 - ONLINE, IT IS |
Twitter Power |
Is Your Business Mobile? |
20 Ingredients For Building An Amazing Website |
My Favorite Sites |
Context is King (Commiseration to Content) |
Grow Your Business with QR Codes |
The Future Web |
Go Green With Cloud Computing |
How Many Languages Does It Take To Stay Competitive Online? |
2011 - Future Bytes |
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The Twitter Addiction |
iPad – The Killer APPliance |
e-retailing : The Competitive Advantage |
CONNECT to the world with Facebook |
Mind vs Media: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains |
‘Go Green’ at Work |
So You Think You Are Tech Savvy? |
TigerText: Cover Your Tracks |
The Awesome power of Google, Explained |
Twitter’s Business Model |
iPad - Between A Smartphone And A Laptop |
2010: Time to ‘Go Green’ |
2010: Go Green with Eco-Friendly Gadgets |
Mobile Marketing Is Here To Stay |
2010 – No cash, No problem! |
Brands that Tweet |
Web 2.0 to Web 3.0: The evolution of the Web |
Going Green Is Easy |
Search Engine Reputation Management |
The concept of ‘FOREVERISM’ |
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To Bing or to Google? That is the Question! |
E-Transparency: The Way The Web Is Going |
The Resurgence of ‘Tribal Marketing’ |
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No Clicks Required: A Glimpse Into The Future |
SEO for CEO |
Five Cost–Effective Tools for e–Marketing |
Why ‘Go Green’? |
The Case for Self Serve Display Advertising: Low cost – HIGH IMPACT |
In Times Of Recession, Go Online |
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