Invest in Web Analytics
Do you know the ROI of your web site?
Do you know what percentage of your web site visitors actually buy online?
Do you know the bottom line results of your online campaigns and SEO investments?
If these are some of your questions that are unanswered, it is time to invest in a robust web analytics program.
Web analytics software compiles and analyzes visitor activity data to determine the sources of your most profitable web site traffic. Collecting data directly from visitors' browsers, it shows you the true effectiveness of your search engine marketing efforts.
Comprehensive real time reporting is available on the following performance indicators:
Visitors Analysis
Comprehensive visitor demographics show you exactly who is visiting your site. Track visitors as individuals with unique visit tendencies and preferences. Identify new, returning and unique visitors. View visitor histories and system specifications.
Web analytics presents site dynamics to show you how your visitors found your site and what they do at your website. View visitor referrals by page, search engine, search term and campaign. See navigation patterns and conversion tendencies. Determine the effectiveness of your search engine and online marketing efforts.
With this information in hand, you can easily optimize your website for the best targeted and most profitable traffic.
Search Engines and Keyword Tracking
Web analytics software helps you determine your top producing keywords and search engines. Zoom in to view relationships between search engines and traffic patterns. Track critical search revenue metrics. Use this data to refine your online marketing campaigns. With the true effectiveness of your search engine optimization, CPC campaigns, paid inclusions and feeds made clear, you can optimize, review the results live, and optimize further.
In addition, live tracking evaluates the effectiveness of your search engine marketing campaigns on the fly. Select the most precise and cost-effective keywords. Maximize your conversions. Avoid wasting resources on unsuccessful marketing efforts.
Conversions and Sales
In a matter of minutes, define your conversion points and monitor their performance. In addition, see complete converting visitor details and view conversion referring search engines, search terms, pages and domains.
With this data, identify your best sources of visitor conversions. Optimize and improve your site design and dynamics. Turn browsing visitors into paid customers!
Campaigns ROI
Closely review campaign performance, including pages, search engines and keywords that result in campaign clicks and conversions. Monitor specific campaign segments with banner tracking.
Web analytics software also calculates cost, sales and ROI metrics by banner and by overall campaign. See which campaigns convert better and produce better overall results. Instead of wasting resources, you can make the marketing adjustments you need in mid-campaign and monitor their implementation. Optimize, track and optimize again for maximum campaign ROI.
Web analytics shows you how visitors are finding their way to your web site. View referring search engines and keyword searches, as well as referring domains. In addition, view referring pages, and individual visitor details for visitors who arrived from those pages.
You can also identify the most active sources of traffic referral and determine which of these sources are generating the best conversion ratio. In this way you can identify referral sources to target with your search marketing and search engine optimization efforts for maximum ROI.
Finally, to ensure a successful and rewarding web presence, hire a professional online agency to help you achieve your internet objectives.
For more information, contact:
Sharad Agarwal, CEO, Cyber Gear LLC.

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