Measuring Website Effectiveness And Compliance
Most websites now display a privacy statement explaining what information the organisation collects from website users and what it does with that information. Given that some degree of information collection continuously occurs as a visitor navigates a website, many organisations want to ensure that a link to the statement is included on every page. Other organisations require that every page that collects personal information from users include a link to the privacy statement. It is important to ensure that your site complies with industry norms/benchmarks on privacy issues.
Prioritizing issues by high traffic areas allows you to fix your most visible problems first, thus optimizing web resources and lowering web operational costs. Technology combines traffic data with the results of a content scan to report on unused pages that may indicate areas that need to be removed or redesigned, depending on whether the lack of traffic was an expected result. Traffic data helps you apply customer information back into your web design and content management to improve your website Return on Investment (ROI).
User Feedback
Do you know what users actually think of your website? Are they successful using your site? Understanding why users behave the way they do on your site is critical to your business success. Technology allows you to collect and provide actionable information based on user feedback regarding individual web pages and regions of a website. This data helps you understand what is working and what is not from your users' viewpoint. Correlating user feedback with statistical reports allows you to quickly prioritize repairs to sections of your site that are critical to your success and to respond to market changes and competitive activity based on your users' feedback.
Clickstream Information
If you only refresh your site's content once a month, but people are returning once a week, your visitors see stale content. Conversely, if you refresh your site's content every week, but people are only visiting once a month, you're wasting resources creating content that no one ever sees. From this correlation, you can determine whether to run campaigns to increase the top clickstream rate, or decrease the investment in creating new content. Top Clickstream information can help you to prioritize which defects should be addressed first so that these critical paths are as error-free as possible to give visitors a successful visit.
Most Exited Pages
Not every visitor passing through your website reaches the desired conclusion. Site abandonment can occur whenever a customer interacts with your site, whether it is filling out a form, visiting registration pages, taking flash tours, or simply using your site search engine. Imagine a user trying to fill out a subscription form and it won't submit because it is broken. Will that user try to fill it out again, or will they leave your site? Knowing what pages are the most exited ones on your site helps you correlate site management defects with the pages that are abandoned the most and prioritize which pages need to be fixed first.
It is important to use technology to fine tune your website and increase your website Return on Investment (ROI).

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The Internet of Things: What It Is and Why You Should Care |
Mobile Site vs Dedicated Apps |
How The Internet Has Changed Our Lives |
2013 - ONLINE, IT IS |
Twitter Power |
Is Your Business Mobile? |
20 Ingredients For Building An Amazing Website |
My Favorite Sites |
Context is King (Commiseration to Content) |
Grow Your Business with QR Codes |
The Future Web |
Go Green With Cloud Computing |
How Many Languages Does It Take To Stay Competitive Online? |
2011 - Future Bytes |
Online Shopping for Holiday Season |
The Twitter Addiction |
iPad – The Killer APPliance |
e-retailing : The Competitive Advantage |
CONNECT to the world with Facebook |
Mind vs Media: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains |
‘Go Green’ at Work |
So You Think You Are Tech Savvy? |
TigerText: Cover Your Tracks |
The Awesome power of Google, Explained |
Twitter’s Business Model |
iPad - Between A Smartphone And A Laptop |
2010: Time to ‘Go Green’ |
2010: Go Green with Eco-Friendly Gadgets |
Mobile Marketing Is Here To Stay |
2010 – No cash, No problem! |
Brands that Tweet |
Web 2.0 to Web 3.0: The evolution of the Web |
Going Green Is Easy |
Search Engine Reputation Management |
The concept of ‘FOREVERISM’ |
Stay Connected with Twitter |
SELLSUMERS - If saving is the new spending, then selling is the new saving |
How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? |
Do You Tweet? |
So, you have designed your web site, WHAT NEXT? |
To Bing or to Google? That is the Question! |
E-Transparency: The Way The Web Is Going |
The Resurgence of ‘Tribal Marketing’ |
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No Clicks Required: A Glimpse Into The Future |
SEO for CEO |
Five Cost–Effective Tools for e–Marketing |
Why ‘Go Green’? |
The Case for Self Serve Display Advertising: Low cost – HIGH IMPACT |
In Times Of Recession, Go Online |
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