A Case For Redesign Of Web Sites
Did you know that there are over 80 million web sites on the World Wide Web?
Did you also know that almost 40 million sites existed before 2003?
Hence the case for redesign of web sites.
Technology is the single most important criteria to consider for redesigning your existing web site. Advanced multimedia tools enhance visitor experience and add to the 'stickiness index', the average time that a visitor spends on your web site.
Bandwidth is probably the second most important factor. World over, ISP's are providing high speed internet access. ISDN is getting more popular for home users and buildings are getting wired to provide 'internet on the tap'.
Cost effectiveness and lower internet access rates are making people spend more time on the web. Hence an opportunity to build an online community and an online brand identity.
E-Commerce is getting more popular and more affordable. Online payment gateways for processing credit card payments are being offered by more and more banks and financial institutions in the region. Make your site a storefront and a profit centre.
Content Management Systems are now a must to deploy. New sites all come with their own content updation tools enabling site owners to manage their sites and keep them up to date and up to speed, inhouse.
Competition may yet be another reason for you to consider redesign of your web site. Be on top of your industry by having a site that best represents your business image.
Search Engine Friendly is probably the most important factor as far as I am concerned for redesigning your web site. New sites do not normally use the frames concept and all content is 'meta tagged' for increasing frequency of keywords that search engine index while 'crawling your site'.
As usual, my advice is that when you are ready and convinced that you need to get your web site a face lift and perhaps a body lift,
contact the best people in the business.

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