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ESMA Is A Federal UAE Authority

ESMA is a Federal UAE Authority, established by UAE Federal Law (28), 2001. As the only reference in UAE in terms of quality standards, ESMA’s strategy aims at supporting the national economy by establishing a new era of excellence and quality. The main goals of ESMA are securing protection for health, economy and environment, supporting the national economy, being in line with the scientific progress of standards and quality management control, and making use of every possible method to educate people about standardization and metrology activities. These activities are achieved through Standards, Metrology, Accreditation, Conformity Assessment, Information Center, HR & Finance Departments in addition to the Technical Office. ESMA’s fields of specializations are preparing, approving, publishing, reviewing, modifying, issuing and adapting standards and technical regulations, and establishing a national measurement system (NMS) in the country. ESMA will establish a national metrology institute (NMI) and activate the legal metrology activities in the UAE. ESMA Responsibilities To achieve the objectives stipulated therein and by exploiting the available local capabilities, the Authority shall exercise the following authorities and tasks: Preparing, Approving, Publishing, Revising, Amending & Issuing decisions to apply the approved standards. Establishing a national measurement system and supervise its implementation. Developing and unifying the means and methods of measurement, calibration, adjustment. Adopting the international, regional, gulf and national standards as national standards, besides issuing such standards in Arabic or any other language or both based on decision by the board. Determining the standards and expiry dates of commodities and products that should labeled on commodities and products. Accrediting testing & calibration laboratories available at the federal & local government authorities, private sectors specialized in conducting tests and analysis for commodities and materials. Approving quality certificates as well as conformity certificates for the approved national standard and emblems besides regulating the issuance of such certificates and the control of their uses. Issuing, publishing, distributing and selling the publications related to approved national standards. Conclude agreements with other organizations and authorities in respect to mutual recognition of emblems, quality certificates and conformity certificates in accordance with the regulations issued by the Board. Representing the UAE in conferences, organizations, authorities, committees & meetings.

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