Healthy Home Essentials: AC Duct Cleaning and Mattress Cleaning
Unlike cooler regions of the world, the occupant thermal comfort for enclosed spaces in Dubai and the UAE generally depends solely on air-conditioning and centralized ducting distributions, all of which require a number of essential AC services including: AC Duct Cleaning and AC Maintenance. Getting the AC Ducts Cleaned and the AC units maintained is crucial, whereas overlooking this may start to create serious problems. AC ducts tend to circulate air within shared spaces and a single viral or bacterial sneeze may propagate within an enclosed space affecting all occupants over long periods of time. The AC air ducts tend to accumulate dust, dirt, fungus and contaminants that are the main cause for much of the allergies and syndromes experienced by occupants on a daily basis including SBS (sick building syndrome).
Recent findings have pointed blaming fingers on the lack of two essential measures namely AC Duct Cleaning and Mattress Cleaning that need to be adopted on a routine basis in every enclosed space so as to prevent a multiple of health concerns including: Allergies, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and Rhinitis (a very common itchy runny nose syndrome). “A lot of people are starting to feel unwell, depressed and sick nowadays for no evident reason,” claims Eng. Tarek Moujaes General Manager of McKleenz Home Services in Dubai. He adds, “Some blame it on the increasing work stress while others complain about the disturbed and inconsistent night sleep all of which are affecting their daily routine and deteriorating their unhealthy lifestyles.”
Another concern is to ensure that all the soft furnishings at home are cleaned and sanitized frequently in order to eliminate dust mites, allergens and germs that accumulate and thrive within the fabric pores at shocking speed. More than a third of our day is spent either sleeping on a mattress or laying on a sofa which tend to absorb countless contaminants including dust mites, fungus, body oil, hair and dander. The recent mattress cleaning technology involves deep industrial vacuuming extraction of the mattress and applying UV sanitizing equipment to the mattress’s surface which would eliminate any potential germs and prevent any form of infestation for a long period of time.
At McKleenz we stress on these essentials and urge everyone to take them into consideration for a safe and Healthy Home: AC Duct Cleaning, Mattress Cleaning, Sofa Cleaning, Curtain Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning are performed on a regular basis improves your health and ensures that you do not experience any of these adverse symptoms. McKleenz provides a complete range of home maintenance, cleaning and sanitation services that ensure the Indoor Air Quality and Hygiene of your home and that keep you and your family members safe and healthy throughout the year. Feel free to visit or call 800-55336 for more info.
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