At Dubai International (DXB), an airport where close to 90 million passengers are expected to visit this year, every day is a busy one, but there are peak times where operations are stretched and even the busiest airport in the world needs additional preparation to ensure a smooth journey for all customers.
Of the expectations, Eugene Barry, EVP Commercial, Dubai Airports said, “We are about to face the busiest days of the year here at Dubai International. It is predicted that 28 June is going to be the first of our busy days during the summer holiday. The weekend of the 5 to 8 July is anticipated to be a busier time as the majority of local schools are breaking up for the summer. We expect during those few days to welcome over 1.1m travellers.”
In order to handle that many passengers in such a concentrated period, departments across the airport began preparations many weeks ago, learning from previous years and a wealth of experience.