Under the patronage of Dubai Health Authority and with the collaboration of Sheikh Hamdan Award for Medical sciences, the 4thLatifa Hospital International Pediatric and Neonatal Conference with the scientific participation of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA and Harley Street Clinic Healthcare, UK, took place today at the Mohammed Bin Rashid Academic Medical Centre at Dubai Healthcare City.
The conference was inaugurated by Dr Muna Tahlak, CEO of Latifa Hospital in presence of senior officials.
The two-day conference will hold several pertinent workshops. The workshops have high quality scientific content that is based on the most current evidence to help improve child health. These workshops will definitely help the doctors and healthcare professionals to cope with rapidly advancing developments internationally and help them to improve their skills through hands-on training and group discussions.
On the first day, 5 sessions that include 13 topics ranging from Pediatric subspecialty fields such as Infectious Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Metabolic and Genetic Diseases were discussed. The highlight of the first day was a keynote address by Professor Yousef Albastaki on ‘Do Not Resuscitate’. Workshops such as ‘Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship’ and another one on ‘Management of Neurometabolic Diseases’ took place on the first day.
The second day will cover 15 topics during 5 sessions discussing the field of Neonatology, Pediatric Neurology and General Pediatrics as well as workshop on ‘Newer and Advanced Mode of Ventilation’.
While on Day 3, 15 topics will be covered in 5 sessions covering Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Hematology, Pediatric endocrinology, Pediatric Immunology, Pediatric Surgery and General Pediatrics.
This conference, spanning over a period of 3 days, will successfully bring together well renowned 11 international speakers who are experts in their own pediatric subspecialties. Combined with 26 popular regional and local speakers, audience will be treated to 43 lectures and 6 interactive workshops during the conference.
Dr. Mahmoud Elhalik, consultant Neonatology and head of Pediatric and Neonatology department in Latifa Woman and Children Hospital stated that the conference has brought together pioneers to provide the ideal forum to stimulate ideas and establish collaborations as well as to initiate an extending network for intense discussions in the field of pediatrics and neonatology aiming to elevate the health service to the international standards
Offering up to 29.75 CPD hours by DHA, this conference also has a monitored self-serve check in and check out to build up CPD points.
With its immense popularity, reliability and promise to offer and exchange exciting ideas on trends and best practices in Pediatric subspecialties including Neonatology and over 450 delegates and 15 exhibitor companies already registered, LHPNC 2018 is sure to be one of the “most looked forward to” academic event of the year 2018 in Dubai.