Noor Bank, a leading Shari'a compliant bank in the UAE, has made a contribution of AED 1.6 million, accumulated from its 'late payments fund' by its banking clients to the Rashid Centre for Disabled in Dubai, UAE. After supervision by its Shari'a Department, the cheque was presented by Sami Al Awadi, Chief Compliance Officer, Noor Bank and Amjad Naser, Head of Shari'a, Noor Bank, to Mariam Othman, CEO, Rashid Centre for Disabled, at a small ceremony held at the Centre.
The donation will be utilised to renovate existing classrooms at the centre, to accommodate more students as well as upgrade the organic farming glass house - which will be used as an agricultural production workshop by the students. Yearly activities and programmes of the centre, as well as other miscellaneous activities will also be supported by the contributions.
Speaking about the bank's philanthropic initiative, Sami Al Awadi, said: "Noor Bank is proud to support the needs of the children of determination at the Rashid Centre. Our journey with the organisation goes back a long way and our contribution to their different programmes reinforces the purpose stands for Noor Bank: To make a difference for the better. I was honoured to present the cheque it was a delightful experience for all of us from Noor Bank to spend time with the lively children."
On his part, Amjad Naser, said: "We are pleased to make a positive impact in our community, and help those in need. Our involvement with the Rashid Centre for Disabled demonstrates our pro-active commitment to not just increase our revenue, but to also give back to society in a meaningful way, where possible. Our Shari'a compliant values compel us to provide financial assistance to humanitarian and charitable initiatives as this practice is integral to the principles of Islamic finance."
In addition to presenting the cheque, 18 Noor Bank employees took the opportunity to observe the different facilities at the Rashid Centre for Disabled and interacted with the students.