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Dubai Chamber Of Commerce Launches Mexican Business Council To Boost Bilateral Trade And Investment Opportunities
(21 June 2024)

Dubai Chamber of Commerce, one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, has announced the establishment of theMexican Business Council to boostbilateral trade and investment opportunities and strengthen the ties between the business communities in Dubai and Mexico.

The launch reflects Dubai's growing attraction among Mexican companies and investors, with the number of companies from Mexico registered as active members of Dubai Chamber of Commerce reaching108at the end of Q1 2024.

The Business Council’s inaugural Annual General Meeting took place recently at Dubai Chambers’ headquarters. The meeting focused onthe council’s key objectives, which include strengtheningeconomic relations between Dubai and Mexico andbuilding mutually beneficial partnerships. In addition, participants discussed the scheduled programme of events for the months ahead.

Maha Al Gargawi, Vice President of Business Advocacy at Dubai Chambers, commented: “We are committed to empowering Business Councils to contribute to increasing promising opportunities between the private sector in Dubai and business communities around the world.We aim to strengthen economic and investment partnerships across all sectors both locally and internationally as part of our drive to boost foreign trade and further strengthen Dubai's position as a leading global businessdestination.”

The Business Councils under the umbrella of Dubai Chamber of Commercerepresent the interests of companies and investors from specific countries operating in Dubai. Each council partners with the chamber to foster the sustainable growth of bilateral trade and investment between Dubai and the marketrepresented.

The chamber is currently working to increase the number of Business Councils to support the objectives of the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33)by driving growth in foreign trade, andsupporting the expansion of local companies into global markets.

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