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Go-Green.ae Launches Several ‘Free to Download’ Green Resources

Carbon pollution is causing the world’s climate to change, resulting in extreme weather, higher temperatures, more droughts and rising sea levels. According to Sharad Agarwal, Founder of the Go-Green.ae initiative, “Eleven of the past 12 years, rank amongst the 12 warmest years! Climate change is a global problem requiring a global solution, one where all major carbon polluting nations need to take comprehensive action to stabilise and reduce global levels of carbon pollution. Everyone needs to do their bit to tackle climate change by reducing carbon pollution. We not only have to prepare our children for the environment, we have to prepare the future for our children.”

Go-Green.ae has prepared the following guides that can help individuals and organizations understand the importance of their actions in shaping tomorrow’s world.

Eco Jargon - A handy guide to help you with all the eco terminology

Non Green Numbers by Go Green - Some smart statistics and environment number crunchers

10 Practical Ways to Go Green – ‘Easy-to-do’ steps that you can implement in your daily life.

How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? - What is Carbon Footprint? You can make a difference.

Facts About Global Warming - Some interesting facts that are hard to argue with.

Top 10 Reasons to Recycle - A brief guide explaining why recycling is important to all of us.

Carbon Neutrality, Carbon Emissions and Carbon Offsets – How to achieve Carbon Zero status

Go Green at Work - A greener workplace can mean a lighter ecological footprint, a healthier and more productive place to work, and good news for the bottom line.

Go Green at Home - Being Eco-friendly is just good Economics.

The Power of the Sun - Glossary of solar terms.

The Carbon Lexicon - Reduction in emissions of carbon or greenhouse gases.

Carbon Emission Stats - Per Country, Per Capita.

According to the ‘Carbon Neutrality’ guide, “Your carbon footprint is a measure of how your domestic and social activities are affecting the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases you produce per year, measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide. Your carbon footprint is the direct effect your actions and lifestyle have on the environment, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Every time you drive a car or use electricity, you are contributing to carbon dioxide emissions. Whenever you consume or use a product, it contributes towards your carbon footprint. “

The carbon footprint for an average U.S. household is approximately 150 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) per day, more than twice the European average and nearly five times the global average. Experts suggest we need to reduce our carbon footprint by as much as 80 percent to effectively reverse global warming.

On Go-Green.ae, it is possible to calculate your carbon footprint and then follow steps that enable you to reduce your impact on the planet. By being aware of how your actions impact the Earth, you might easily be able to make some changes for the better.

Go-Green.ae is updated 24/7 with information relating to news, events, technologies, videos, web resources and success stories in the field of energy conservation, sustainability and environmental protection.

‘Go Green’ web portal was launched in July 2008 to remind people to be mindful of and sensitive to the natural environment in our daily life The main objective of the site is to increase the awareness of environmental issues that affect the future of the planet.

Go-Green.ae features ‘Green Stories’ that demonstrate the steps taken by corporations as part of their commitment to preserve the planet. Global organisations such as Panasonic, Orange, Toshiba, Cisco, Discover, Dell, HSBC, Google, Marriott, Zipcar, Nissan and Mazda share their ‘Green Innovations’ online.

Go-Green.ae won the Alternate Energy Award at ADIPEC, in recognition of its contribution to promoting environmental awareness and also featured on CNN for its coverage on Dubai’s participation in Earth Hour. Go-Green.ae also recently won the Eco Site Award from a US based company that recognizes Green sites that promote Ecology, Health, Safety and the Environment. Go-Green.ae is also ranked second most popular site in the ‘Going Green’ category by GreenTopSites.com.

Website: http://www.go-green.ae

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