Special Features
ICE stands for "In Case of Emergency" - It is a symbol you add in front of a selected person in your mobile phone address book, so that this person is contacted "Incase of an Emergency".Many a times, incases of accidents and emergencies, a patient is found with a mobile phone but the paramedics cannot trace the correct contact persons who can provide vital information that might save the life of the victim. Also it is possible to reach the kith and the kin imemdiately if this code is stored in the phone.
How to Store
Type ICE infront of a contact or store a new number under ICE followed by the person’s name.
Ensure that the ICE person is your family member or close friend who is aware of your medical history and can provide vital information like your medical history, blood group etc which are very vital.
Ensure that the ICE person is aware that you have chosen him as your ICE contact and can handle pressure and communicate well in English and is residing in the Emirates.
The ICE movement & message is founded by the Kindness Movement which is the local representation of the World Kindness Movement and the catalyst for many community projects in the UAE.
Email: ice@kindness.ae
Website: http://www.myice.org/english/index.html