Special Features
Swiss Business Council
The Swiss Business Council (SBC) is a non-profit organisation, licensed by the UAE Chambers of Commerce & Industry, and established in 1996. It has independently managed branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Since its creation, it has been successfully promoted the interests and activities of companies and individuals with connections between the UAE and Switzerland.The SBC has an active and enthusiastic membership base, and is open for membership under individual and corporate categories for companies and individuals with business interests in the United Arab Emirates and / or Switzerland. To qualify for membership, companies and individuals should be able to demonstrate a clear business or cultural focus and interaction with Switzerland - either as a Swiss National, Swiss registered organization, or a local representative, agent or distributor of Swiss goods and services.
The SBC is a lively and stimulating forum of diverse interests and has a constantly expanding membership ranging from UAE National corporations through Swiss multinationals to individual private members. The directory of members will provide an insight into the broad spectrum of activities undertaken by the council members.
The objective of the SBC is to support commercial and personal relations between its members and to promote economic, social and cultural relations between the UAE and Switzerland by: Providing a platform for its members to communicate with representatives of the government and private sector of the UAE and Switzerland (Swiss Embassy Abu Dhabi, Swiss Consulate Dubai, & Swiss Business Hub Dubai).
Developing and reinforcing contacts between organizations and associations sharing a mutual interest in the UAE. (see Member Profiles) Organizing business and social meetings, presentations, seminars; participating in fairs, exhibitions and other related events. (see Events) Holding monthly meetings to receive guest speakers, discuss selected topics, find business opportunities and get to know each other. The monthly gatherings as well as any individually announced social events are open to members and invited guests.
Address: Abu Dhabi P.O. Box: 6390 Tel: +971 (0)2 641 5948 Fax: +971 (0)2 641 6038 Email: swissbiz@emirates.net.ae Dubai P.O. Box: 30041 Tel: +971 (0)4 321 1438 Fax: +971 (0)4 321 1518 Email; swisbus@emirates.net.ae